
“The biggest struggle was ensuring that Teagan got enough protein prior to working with Colby, and finding ways to get more healthy protein options into her daily life. As well as struggling with the constant on the go eating we do during the week with practice schedules. Colby helped us to find more snack options that were balanced with protein and fats to balance out all of the carbs. She also helped us to find ways to pack snacks that would fuel Teagan between practices. Also helping us to understand the importance of different kinds of balanced meals depending on what day of our schedule we were on, this is something we didn’t even know we needed to be doing before working with Colby. Teagan is more excited to help in the kitchen and make sure that she is eating balanced plates that help fuel her body. She is finding more foods that she enjoys and that bring nutrition to her, as well as snacks during her school day that she can use to keep her full and provide some good nutrition. Overall just being more aware of what she is eating but not in an overbearing way, a balanced way. Working with Colby has changed how Teagan views food, she is more open to trying new foods because she understands the value they can provide her!”

Teagan T. (parent entry)

(graduated 9/2023)

“I was struggling with a lot, nutrition and ‘dieting’ misinformation, body image issues, life balance difficulties, stress, the ever growing social media brigade and all of their ‘tips and tricks’ to be ‘healthier’, etc. There was a lot of education which I loved. Because it was clear and concise and it made things easier to understand. There was also a lot of habit-building that started off with small achievable goals that we built on over time. What I loved about it was that there was time and patience that went into understanding the information and it helped me to view the subjects in a different light that benefitted me and how I would be able to modify them to my lifestyle. I feel like I understand a lot more in those fields that I struggled with and it’s helped me to understand how to look at the problems I’m having and remove the barriers that prevented me in the past from knocking down those difficulties that stood in my way. It’s also allowed me to build really good foundations for habits that I can continue to build on in the future! You get what you put into the program and if you’re determined you can take away the tools you need to make a positive impact on your life.”

Alex M.

(current client '23-'25)

“I was struggling with understanding nutritional values of various food groups. Always thought if I cut out carbs and ate less I would lose weight/fat and have better muscle tone. I now realize that I was not consuming enough food which caused my metabolism to slow down substantially. Colby’s knowledge, support, ideas, and recipes were very helpful. I feel as though I have control as to what I am eating. I have a much better understanding as to the importance of variety in my diet and because I am not feeling deprived I find myself making better choices. Her support and knowledge is invaluable. Thank you!!!!”

Denise M.

(current client '24-'25)

“Before I started our sessions, I wasn’t sure on what was a good meal to have. I didn’t know the proportion, what foods to have, or what to eat for snacks. During our sessions we would go through my goals from the previous week and see how I could improve on them. We would also talk about new information that would help me into improving my past goals or new ones I set for myself. Now I can confidently make myself a balanced meal, or how to fuel myself on game day.”

Leah S.

(graduated 8/2023)

“The support and knowledge I received was invaluable and will remain with me as I continue my journey towards living a more healthy and active life.”

Eileen K.

(graduated 10/14/21)

“I can’t truly express how happy I am that I met Colby a few years ago, and that we stayed in touch enough that I knew she started this company. It has been life changing for me. I’ve tried a bunch of diets and exercise programs in the past, and while they work while I’m enrolled, once I’m on my own everything crumbles and I’m back at square one. I’ve never had the confidence or the will to do it on my own because every time I made one mistake I felt like I had to start back at the beginning and it was so discouraging. Colby taught me that it’s ok to slip up and that even with a bad day, I should keep going and continue with the little things. I’ve changed so many behaviors of mine and so much mind set on food in general. I’m still not where I want to be but I now have the confidence and the skills to continue to work on myself to get there. I will definitely continue to work with Colby with check in sessions and other programs in the future. Now part of it is I want her to be proud of me too.”

Danielle M.

(graduated 1/2022)

“Colby’s approach throughout this 12-week program has been great. I would recommend her program to anyone.”

Bill C. & Colleen G.

(graduated 6/2022)

“I thoroughly enjoyed working with Colby throughout this 12-week program. Colby was always professional, knowledgeable, and always available to me whenever I had any concerns or questions. Colby’s support and motivation are thorough, easy to follow, and most helpful making the program almost fool proof. I always felt like Colby was in my corner every step of the way making sure that I was able to succeed at my goals. I would highly recommend Colby’s 12-week program for any beginner, intermediate, OR advanced athlete who has been struggling with any kind of emotional eating.”

Stephanie K.

(graduated 1/2022)

“Very knowledgeable, and extremely personable, makes it easy to understand and apply the principles learned.”

Tim D.

(graduated 2/2022)

“I hadn’t eaten carbs for about a year. I struggled going out to eat with friends/family and had to look up menus to see if I had a no-carb or minimal carb option. I had lots of anxiety about going on vacations because I was away from my “safe foods”/access to the gym. I didn’t eat breakfast, maybe had something small for lunch, but I’d eat all my calories at night. I felt like I had no control over my eating. In terms of exercise, I would push my limits and exercise to excess. Taking a rest day was incredibly difficult… exercise became a compulsion that in my head I needed to do every day no matter how my body was feeling.  I struggled getting enough sleep and was thriving off excess caffeine to get me through the day. We focused on turning my pyramid eating habit into a consistent and linear form. I think going over why my body needs carbs was something that helped me accept I could not continue the same habits. One of the best cues/tips you gave me was listening to my body and listening to my cravings. You also helped me rationalize body image through body acceptance — it has been easier for me to get through the days where my body feels icky or maybe I’m not totally happy with how I look. I feel like a different person. I don’t fear going out to eat anymore, and if I haven’t meal prepped, I have no problem going out for food because regardless of the situation, I know I need to eat and my body thanks me for it. I feel like I have freedom with food and exercise that felt impossible to achieve. I don’t have anxiety about vacations anymore; I look forward to being away from the normal routine. I have found a balance with exercise and food. If I don’t exercise on a particular day, I don’t punish myself and cut back on my calories; I eat as I normally would, listening to my body for cues and getting in all 3 meals. While sleep is still a struggle sometimes, I have been able to prioritize myself and my sleep. My workouts reflect what I want to do that day, not what I am forcing myself to do to. I focus a lot more on recovery exercises and stretches, too. Overall, I feel like I have lifted a huge weight off my shoulders. Restricting food used to dominate my life… not anymore!”

Emma H.

(current client '23-'25)

“I have always lost weight in the summer and gained in the winter but after turning 60+ this process stopped. I didn’t lose the same as gaining and before long I attained belly fat. No matter what I tried; running, soccer, Cross-fit, and dieting… nothing was able to help lose the weight. The exercises that Colby recommended were focused on both core and specific muscle groupings that were different enough from my past programs to engage my desire to complete a 3 to 6-month effort. Combined with a balanced diet I was able to achieve my goal of losing 20 pounds of belly fat. Now I’ll be focused on strength and muscle tone going forward. I am even more energetic than before and my attitude toward health is better now than at age 50…I’m 70 at this writing and weigh 160 pounds and have definition in my physique. Colby was very helpful in both the exercise plan and encouraging and thoughtful comments to promote an attitude of “getting it done”.”

Jon J.

(graduated 8/2023)

“Food choices and time management were the biggest struggles for me. Now with shopping tools, recipes, and a great calendar, food choices are easier, and time is better spent which reduces stress. I am feeling positive less stressed and more excited about food choices. Looking forward to continuing to fuel my body the way it needs to be and enjoy the journey. You’re doing a great job!!! Good motivator!”

Lisa O.

(graduated 12/2022)

“Great experience. Helped get me to a more peaceful place.”

Scott A.

(graduated 2/1/22)

“I was always tired, feeling run down, struggled with working out, finding the time at work to eat, never had “me” time. I struggled with sleep and sometimes during the day I was just going through the motions, everything felt difficult. I also found out I had Type 2 Diabetes which added more difficulties. We started with the mindset, I sometimes have trouble getting out of my own thoughts! Working out was an issue, I was just too tired after working, I was more mentally exhausted. Eating was an issue, it was just whatever. Mentally I was not in a good place, I definitely didn’t feel good about myself, didn’t like the way I felt or looked, it felt liked everything was against me. Talking with Colby every week was so helpful, she pointed out situations that were totally under my control, but I couldn’t see that. I am in a much better place mentally & physically. Working on the mindset is still a work in progress but that’s totally okay. I now have the tools to work with and I’m a work in progress! My diabetes is under control without meds, I now eat properly and the right foods and snacks. I’m not as tired and I sleep better. I allow myself a cheat day every now & then, keeping my diabetes in mind, but I don’t deny myself anything. I can now substitute food items and still feel like I’m not missing out on anything and feel better for it! I know if I workout after work that I’ll feel better, even if it’s only a 15 minute walk on the treadmill. I feel I have a better grasp on dealing with my moods & emotions, especially if I’m stressed at work. Overall I just feel better and I have Colby to thank!”

Rita M.

(current client '24-'25)

“When I first started, I was really struggling with my relationship with food and with my body. I didn’t know how to listen to my internal hunger and fullness cues, I couldn’t eat out at a restaurant without scouring the menu first to find the ‘healthiest’ option, I had a constant voice in my head telling me what to eat and what not to eat. I was always comparing my body to those around me and comparing it to my past self when I was a collegiate athlete training multiple hours a day. I was really struggling with negative self-talk. We took everything one step at a time. At the beginning, the focus was on making different recipes, getting out of food ruts, and making sure the I was eating a balanced plate to give my body all the nutrients it needs. The further along we got into the program, we started talking more about body image and my past experiences with body image and negative self-talk. The whole time I was learning different strategies and tools! Now, I can go to a restaurant and order something off the menu because it is what I want, not because it is the ‘healthiest’ option. I have learned and continue to learn to listen to my body when it is full even if there is still food on my plate. I have decreased the negative self-talk and continue to reframe these kinds of thoughts in my mind! I am looking forward to continuing to work on that as well. The consistent nag in my brain about food is gone! Of course, there are still some days where it pops up, but I now feel that I have the knowledge and the tools to overcome!”

Client B

(current client '24-'25)

“I was struggling with low water intake, unbalanced meals, and feeling hungry all of the time. You taught me about protein, carbs, and color. And how to put together effective strategies to overcome challenges. I increased my water intake. You taught me about hunger cues and preparing for them. Biggest thing is the awareness around how food/water affects my body and performance. I feel my body is more energized, and I have more intensity in games. I’m looking forward to being the best version of me.”

Avery S. & Parent

(graduated 12/2024)

“Before starting the program I felt constantly down on myself for not being able to meet my goals or what I wanted to do. I felt like I was so lost and confused about nutrition and what makes food “good” or “bad” for you. I struggled with even the basics of grocery shopping like what was essential for me and what wasn’t. I never knew what I was going to make for breakfast, lunch, or dinner and I struggled so much with meal prepping. I felt like no matter what I did I was going to make the “wrong” choice. I constantly had the all or nothing mind set, be perfect or forget it. During the process, Colby really worked with me to figure out what the barriers were for me to meet my goals and why I had these struggles. I would always look at how I ate and assumed it was because I didn’t meal prep, but it was actually because I was inconsistent with grocery shopping. Colby gave me great ideas for meals with a lot of recipes on her website, she gave me a fantastic grocery list template, and we even came up with a list I could use on weeks that I found I didn’t have time to really make my extensive shopping list. After the program, I feel really confident in my abilities to cook and grocery shop for myself. I know I can trust myself to make the best decisions for me and know that some of those decisions also means letting myself eat Oreo cookies for dessert or sharing that basket of fries with my friends at dinner instead of sticking with a salad. Everything in moderation and everything according to my body. I feel coming out of the program I have a better idea of what nutrition is and what that looks like for my body. I’ve learned that my body is beautiful because it is my body and I can trust it to help me make food choices that serve me and the activities I am doing. I’m so grateful for this program I really feel like it has changed my life!”

Gabby Z.

(current client '23-'25)

“Before joining the program I ate a lot of processed foods and unbalanced meals, my sleep schedule was terrible, and I didn’t have a good relationship with my body and mental health; I was pushing myself too much and was being to hard on myself. My sleep schedule is better, my diet is more balanced and healthier, and my mentality is changing for the better. Definitely confident that with these changes better opportunities and a lot of improvement will come. I loved how much progress I’ve made in just 4 months, especially with my nutrition goals, You gave me the knowledge and held me accountable. Not only that you also taught me how to set goals and the program overall gave me a mentality shift that will benefit me in other aspects of life. Thank you Colby for the help in these last 4 months, for not treating me like just another client but actually caring and bringing out the best in me, I wouldn’t have been able to do it without you. Once again thank you and I look forward to continuing working with you and to all the progress that will come.”

Eli A.

(graduated 5/2024)

“As a 40-year-old woman that has been on a very long and confusing journey to diet instead of fuel my body I have spent an incredible amount of time and money focused on taking things away and never ending up happy or healthy. Fast forward to meeting Colby and the opportunity to work with her. For the first time in my life, I feel like I have control over how I am choosing to fuel my body and better prepare myself for success in the life I want. My focus is now on the journey for the rest of my life, and I can’t believe how much I I’ve learned about not fearing food and fueling my body but instead looking forward to it because I feel so much better, have so much more energy, more mental focus, better sleep, and the energy to keep up with my family. I am incredibly grateful for all of Colby’s support on my journey!”

Rebecca S.

(graduated 10/2021)

“Prior to the start of this program I was struggling with proper nutrition knowledge and lower self-esteem due to distorted eating habits and thoughts I thought I had worked through. Colby has helped me form healthy nutrition habits and allowed me the safe space and coaching to work through and improve upon my distorted eating habits and thoughts needed to restore eating habits and confidence. After this program, I’m looking forward to accomplishing a better understanding of nutrition and how it effects my body and overall health, rather than relying solely on fitness to reach my physique and mental health goals.”

Victoria S.

(graduated 8/2023)

“Colby was professional and extremely knowledgeable. She was very easy to work with and I feel that I now have a much better grasp on my eating habits and how to correct wrong doings.”

Meredith T.

(graduated 1/2022)

“Over the past 12 weeks I have learned how to be kind to myself, celebrate victories and grow from challenges. As a whole I have become a stronger individual who is less concerned about others seeing my “flaws” and more about how I’m treating my body to be the healthiest and best version of myself. I am not scared of food. I am no longer hungry and lethargic all day long. I am running my best times. More importantly I am happier, healthier and excited to enjoy food and everything it has to offer me. This is something Colby and I worked hard on. It’s not an over night process, but she has helped me tremendously. Her kind demeanor and wide range of knowledge kept me positive and strong to reach my goals. The best part is everything I have learned will stick with me. On an off day I have the tools to work through it so I do not fall into old habits. Thank you Colby for all of your extra time spend in sessions, continual motivation, and guiding me to be my best self.”

Caitlin M.

(current client '22-'25)

“Colby is the best! In the short time we worked together I noticed a big change in how I see food. As someone with an eating disorder history, this was so important to me and now I feel confident and comfortable picking foods and listening to my body. I got back into a regular habit of working out and am comfortable deviating from the plan if my body is telling me I need a break. Thank you ❤️❤️”

Olivia G.

(graduated 5/2022)

“I was struggling with enough energy for a workout and recovery from a workout was taking longer than it should; I also had sleep issues. Breaking down how I could reach my goals with 3 smaller weekly goals made it easy to incorporate into my routine. I never felt overwhelmed by the goals. The changes we made to my post workout nutrition was the biggest win for me. I find the 3 body image affirmations very helpful. I especially rely on “I am in control of my own body” when going to a restaurant because I can take food home when I’m satiated and don’t have to clean the plate. I don’t let myself feel pressure from others to eat the way they do to fit in. I eat what my body wants now.”

Lori H.

(graduated 12/2022)

“My original intent was to learn how to select foods to support my declining metabolism post-menopause. The program process was different than I initially expected, but ultimately provided good insight into how to nourish myself without obsessing over each morsel of food. Colby applies her deep knowledge about nutrition with an easygoing, straightforward, approachable style. I always looked forward to our scheduled meetings and learned a ton from her in each session.”

Ruth S.

(graduated 11/2022)

Ready to start leveling up?