What To Expect for Your
First Session​

It’s okay to be nervous! I am a human just like you and I will not judge or make assumptions, nor will the other women in this community. The program starts off relatively slow and steady with easy goal setting to get you off on the right foot. We will have introductions posted in the group chat before kickoff so you can get to know your community! Each session will be conducted in the same roundtable discussion format to allow for more individualized coaching opportunities. We will always end the sessions with everyone’s biggest take-away from that call to allow for reflection. It will only become easier from here on out because this first step is the hardest! I truly understand how scary this can feel and majority of my clients agree that taking this first step is typically the hardest part of this entire program. You aren’t sure what you’ll achieve or maybe even doubting that you’ll achieve anything…I get it truly. But here me out on this, think about how scary it would be to stay in the exact spot you’re in right now? How scary is it to continue trying this on your own with no guidance? How scary is it to not even know if what you’re doing will work? Take the scary step – you got this! I am by your side through the entire journey so you will never be on your own. Fill out your APPLICATION today! Or contact me if you have questions before starting.

Frequently Asked Questions

What’s the difference between a dietitian and nutritionist?

Registered Dietitian/Certified Dietitian/Licensed Dietitian – experts in all things food, nutrition, food science, digestion/absorption, and medical nutrition therapy for certain disease-states; requires a bachelor’s degree in a related field + 1,200 supervised practice hours through dietetic internship + national board exam + continuing education due every 5 years; state and federal regulations for best practices plus legislation; qualified to prescribe macronutrients and meal plans for specific needs/goals.

Nutritionist – possible background in different field that has become certified through a certificate course where related educational degree is not required; minimal specific continuing education requirements; no governing bodies or legislation to follow for best practices; out of their scope of practice to prescribe macronutrients and/or meal plans; illegal to provide further medical nutrition therapy for certain disease-states.

Can I attend or purchase just one session with you?

Please take a moment to think through this…how long have you been struggling with your current struggles (months, years, maybe decades)? That’s potentially a lot of negative thoughts, bad habits forming, and poor guidance that has woven a very tightly threaded knot that you are looking to release. This knot will not be undone in just one 60-minute or even 120-minute session. Making diet, lifestyle, and mindset changes takes time, practice, and patience for the process if you truly want to form the right habits for the rest of your life. Most of my clients work with me on average 6+ months and even more if they are truly dedicated to their goals and making a newly threaded knot with new knowledge and skills that can’t be undone.

In what form do we meet for our sessions (in-person, virtual)? How does that work?

I meet with my clients virtually in video sessions through an electronic medical record keeping system called Practice Better (also available as an app on your smartphone). This service/app is HIPAA-compliant and stores all sensitive information safely and securely. All necessary forms, waivers, notes, and more are stored on clients’ profiles for 24/7 access to their information before and after sessions.

How much does it cost? Do you take health insurance?

We’ll discuss financial options after you’ve completed your application! There are different options for all budgets to make this investment in your lifelong health a priority that won’t induce stress or worry. Currently, I do not take health insurance coverage, but I am currently able to accept HSA payments. I also accept credit/debit cards, bank transfers, and Venmo. And remember, this is an investment in your health, not just another cost to add to your spreadsheet.

How do the coaching sessions work? Do I get individual attention?

My coaching program is established as a hybrid coaching model which means there are opportunities for both individualized support/feedback as well as community interactions. Each of my clients receives multiple opportunities for individual support and feedback, but also thrive in group settings for additional accountability and relationship building as you are all struggling with similar problems. I do also offer a high-tier option that is strictly 1-on-1 coaching for individuals not interested in the community opportunity.

I'm looking for other coaches/programs, what makes this different?

Well quite simply it’s me that makes the difference. As you might have gathered already I have a very unique one-of-a-kind background in the areas of nutrition, fitness, and coaching. That specialized background combined with my personal experience in the same struggles that my clients experience is truly unmatched anywhere else.

The experience with me in my program is so unique there’s nothing else like it. And you might have already experienced this, but I truly care deeply for the amazing people in my community (whether or not you’re a paying client yet). I am extremely passionate about what I get to do every single day and I lead with my heart! I take this seriously and this is so much more than just a business transaction to me.

That’s why my program is the BEST one for you. And let’s state the facts, I have the best clients and a proven framework that actually works to get results and testimonials full of success, so this is another reason why you should join BALA now!

Do I get a meal plan? Do I get a workout program?

Think about this question first, how long have you ever successfully followed a meal plan? They have short-term benefits when executed properly, but it is not sustainable for long-term goals. I do not offer meal plans for this reason, but do have many past clients that have found success in my program who used to swear by meal plans. I teach my clients the skills and knowledge needed to build sustainable and balanced habits around eating, so meal plans won’t be necessary anymore!

If you’re interested in a workout program I do offer a la carte pricing options for an individualized workout program (at-home and gym options). The program will be delivered via an app on your phone/computer that includes form videos with every single exercise, so you’ll know exactly what to do. Note this is an additional cost as it is an additional service I am providing to you. Please let me know if you’re interested in this service while discussing your payment options, so I can provide you with all of the information needed!

Ready to start leveling up?